ERP for Manufacturing Industry

Premier Cloud-Based ERP Software for Manufacturing Industry

An integrated ERP for manufacturing industry in India for seamless remote management of manufacturing processes and overall business operations

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An Insight into Manufacturing ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) Software


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Manufacturing ERP is a specialized type of ERP system, a comprehensive business management tool designed exclusively for manufacturers and business owners in the manufacturing industry. It is thoughtfully crafted with a singular goal – to enable manufacturers to manage their manufacturing workflows and business processes seamlessly through a unified software tool.

Think of the Manufacturing ERP Software as the heart of your business, the only software system needed to run your interconnected manufacturing processes and monitor operations from anywhere, at any time. In the absence of Manufacturing ERP, using multiple software tools to execute production orders from various clients can be a nightmare.

With manufacturing enterprise resource planning software, you get ease and increased efficiency to deliver production orders faster than ever. By streamlining and seamlessly automating all business and manufacturing processes, using ERP for manufacturing company, manufacturers like you can ensure unmatched product quality and drive more business growth.

Exploring Essential Manufacturing ERP Modules

ERP modules for manufacturing industry are designed for all types of manufacturers, ranging from small to mid-market and large-scale manufacturing units. Let’s quickly explore the top functions of manufacturing ERP software:

  • Bill of Materials and Routing – Managing material lists and planning their routing is a core in-built feature of Manufacturing ERP Software. This helps address a significant challenge in the manufacturing process.
  • Inventory Management – The inventory management module ensures real-time and up-to-date data for stock, orders, and sales, streamlining the otherwise time-consuming task for manufacturers.
  • Master Production Scheduling (MPS) – This module optimizes production schedules to fulfill orders promptly, enhancing business profits by controlling production activities.
  • Material Requirements Planning (MRP) – Manufacturing ERP efficiently manages raw material availability, thus reducing wastage and overspending in the production plan.
  • Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) – Optimizing production capacity to meet the market demand is simplified with Manufacturing ERP, contributing to enhanced business profits.
  • Advanced Planning and Scheduling – For manufacturers dealing with interdependent processes, creating advanced plans and scheduling is made easy with Manufacturing ERP.
  • Production Management – Beyond automation, Manufacturing ERP provides a comprehensive overview of ongoing tasks, estimates pending processes, and predicts completion times, making production management efficient.
  • Automated Data Collection – Manufacturing ERP optimizes processes through automated data collection, enhancing overall work efficiency and contributing to a smoother workflow.
  • Integration with Plant Floor Machinery – Seamless integration with manufacturing equipment ensures Manufacturing ERP effortlessly manages plant floor operations.
  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control – Manufacturing ERP Software plays a pivotal role in maintaining uncompromised product quality, ensuring heightened client satisfaction.
  • Mobility – With cloud implementation, Manufacturing ERP offers global accessibility, allowing users to run their business remotely via smartphones, ensuring business continuity from anywhere at any time.

The Ideal Candidates for Manufacturing ERP Adoption

Manufacturing ERP is vital for businesses across all scales and sectors.

Whether you’re a small to medium-scale manufacturer or run a large manufacturing unit, prioritizing the deployment of Manufacturing ERP is crucial for your business growth.

Here are various types of manufacturers who benefit from ERP system for manufacturing company:

  • Make-To-Stock – Maintains ready stock for instant dispatch.
  • Make-To-Order – Begins production only upon receiving an order.
  • Engineer-To-Order – Designs products and manufactures based on client orders.
  • Customize-To-Order – Adjusts standards to meet specific customer demands.

Benefits of using ERP System for Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing ERP is indispensable for manufacturers. Here are key advantages of using ERP system for manufacturing companies:

  • Increased Productivity – Streamlining and automating manufacturing processes leads to higher work productivity, thus reducing costs and boosting profits.
  • Operational Visibility – Manufacturing ERP provides insights into business operations. This aids in planning and optimizing systems for improved efficiency.
  • Real-Time Reporting – Access to real-time data through Manufacturing ERP enables accurate business reporting and facilitates crucial decision-making.
  • Reduced Risk – Identifying and mitigating risks is simplified with the help of Manufacturing ERP. It also enhances overall compliance.
  • Simplify IT – Manufacturing ERP not only streamlines production but also automates IT operations. It is effortless to manage everything through a unified system.

Opting for the Right ERP System for Manufacturing Industry

Choosing the right ERP system for your manufacturing business can be confusing with so
many options available. We’re here to help make this decision easier for you.

There are many different ERP systems out there, each with its own set of features. However, when picking the right one for your business, consider these three things:

  • Industry-Specific Features – As a manufacturer, avoid generic ERP systems. Opt for a Manufacturing ERP, it’s designed for your specific needs, managing both production workflows and business operations. It ensures the best return on investment.
  • Scalability – When choosing a manufacturing ERP, don’t just focus on your current issues and immediate needs. Consider long-term scalability to ensure it supports your business as it grows, reaching new heights and facilitating further expansion.
  • Support and Implementation – When transitioning to a new manufacturing ERP, the adjustment period and team training are crucial. Ongoing support from the development team is essential during this phase. Before choosing a manufacturing ERP, make sure to assess the support provided both during and after deployment.

Deployment Assistance and Support Services

Recognizing the importance of ongoing support in the successful deployment of a profitable manufacturing ERP, consider these types of assistance from developers:

  • Customer Service – Ensure the manufacturing ERP provides continuous support for your team members and all software users. This ensures optimal utilization of features and enhances overall business efficiency.
  • Training – Prioritize hands-on training for your staff, combining education with practical usage of the ERP software. This is a crucial aspect that should not be compromised for manufacturers.
  • Professional Services – Check if the manufacturing ERP developers offer professional services, including customizations and integration with your existing systems. This ensures seamless business operations.

Transform Your Manufacturing Operations with Autus Cyber Tech's Proximo ERP

Irrespective of your industry, size, or type, if you are a manufacturer looking to optimize your manufacturing processes and drive more business growth through automation of business operations, a manufacturing ERP setup is non-negotiable.

With an in-built array of manufacturer-friendly features and prompt friendly support available round-the-clock, Proximo is the best ERP for manufacturing industry.

We have a proven track record with thousands of successful deployments round-the-globe and offer customized ERP software solutions as well, book your free demo here or connect with our executive for a quick chat.



  • Manage and streamline inventory efficiently
  • Schedule master production plans
  • Enhance productivity and competence
  • Optimize & automate manufacturing processes
  • Reduce security risks and operational expenses
  • Generate in-depth, analytical reports
  • Streamline and facilitate supply chain management
  • Improve communication and collaboration across departments
  • Store all your data in a centralized location
  • Meet day-to-day demands















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